25th January 2025

Search Grange Park Parish Council

Great Place Positive Community

Robert Martin Smith

Robert Martin Smith

6 Lark Lane
Grange Park
07872 691348

I have served as a Parish Councillor for over 20 years, the first 5 years or so with Wootton Parish Council.
We moved to Grange Park in January 2001. Shortly thereafter I became involved in a residents group that was the forerunner to the Council. I have been a member of the Parish Council since its formation in 2003. I have served on all the working groups and committees over the years and have been Chairman of the Council since 2011.
I am pleased to be serving the interests of the local community and have led various Parish Council initiatives to provide allotments, sports pavilion at Foxfield Country Park with associated sports pitches, new drainage systems, café bar facilities and much more….

I am always willing to donate my personal time to support our community, whether through small maintenance jobs around the Parish, attending community social events. I am also a member of the volunteer team that runs GP Youth Club.

I am proud to lead a great team of people, including the staff. We are all committed to making Grange Park a
great place.

Latest 'Annual Chairman's Report'

Last updated: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 20:54